During the winter/spring of 2024 I’ve been writing an essay, Walking with Craft in a Post-fire Forest, which is part of the publication “in the making: the crack that lets the light shine in”.
The publication marks discussions, investigations, individual and collective making by 6 researchers/artists from diverse backgrounds, experiences, and knowledge. Encompassing a wide range of materials and subjects, our practices make cracks in/around crafts as artistic practice-based research. The artist, theorist, and educator, Natalie Loveless calls artistic processes of practice-based research these cracks. Through these cracks that bring together experimental, dissonant practices and research, 6 completely different forms of text are materialized and entangled in this publication.
Authors: Anne-Marie Dehon, Bogil Lee, Daniel Ramos Obregón, Davide Ronco, Erik Lindeborg, Henny Linn Kjellberg.
The publication is available here: https://konstfack.diva-portal.org/smash/record.jsf… Or if you would like to order a physical copy, drop me an email: info@hennylinn.se.


